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We See You: Celebrating Transgender Awareness Week

During Transgender Awareness Week (November 13-19), it is important to say out loud that trans rights are human rights. The T is part of the LGBT+ family. We still have a long way to go before we secure equal rights, and till then, ROMEO is there to support and speak up. Even in more progressive countries like the Netherlands where we are based, trans healthcare is still not accessible to everyone across the board.

This week will end with the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day that memorializes those who have lost their lives as a result of transphobia.

A word from Alessia 🏳️‍⚧ our Community Support Administrator:

As we commemorate and honour the victims of hate crimes and violence against trans people in our community, I want to say a few words to all of you. We see you and we observe the struggles trans and non-binary people continue to experience on dating platforms.

While we work hard to continue to educate and support everyone in our community I want to ask you to start a conversation with us on how we can make ROMEO a warm and welcoming experience for everyone in the LGBT+ community. You have a voice in our community team and deserve a space on the platform alongside every member of our amazing community. I want to encourage you to get in touch with us with your feedback and suggestions as to how to make ROMEO your home too.

PS: If anyone —and I really mean ANYONE— has pressing questions, I will do my best to answer them. Whether it is on how to be respectful in your behaviour, or you just want to talk to someone about your personal experience, or even if you have some questions you feel uncomfortable asking others. I will do my best to answer as many questions as possible. Find me on ROMEO: Alessia_Romeo.

– Alessia (Community Support Administrator at ROMEO)

ROMEO is a safe space for all our users. We made sure that is easy to update your profile and to search for other users, using the following Gender categories: 


You are a cis or a trans man.

Trans man

You were assigned female at birth but are a trans man. 

Trans woman

You were assigned male at birth but are a trans woman. 


Your gender is outside the gender binary. 


Your gender is not accurately described by the above categories. You can always write it in your profile.

Curious how Gender and Orientation categories work on ROMEO? Read more about our Gender & Orientation Guidelines here

Fun facts: out of the ROMEOs who chose another Gender category than “Man”, 15.44% are trans men, 20.88% are trans women, and 17.52% are non-binary. The rest (46.18%) describe their gender differently. 

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to be yourself on ROMEO. Everyone is unique and that’s what makes our rainbow family beautiful.

Handpicked by our ROMEO team, Disclosure is a great new Netflix documentary highlighting transgender deptictions in film and television and reveals “how Hollywood simultaneously refects and manufactures our deepest anxieties about gender”

Breaking out of our bubbles and getting to know each other personally is what will help us break down the walls of prejudice.