Pride Stories – Darling Peter
In our fourth edition of Pride Stories we speak to Darling Peter, Dutch DJ, Club Promoter and Event Manager of Pride Amsterdam. In part one, we spoke to Mr. Leather Ireland Fionn Scott, part two was gender blending Asis D’Orange from Israel, and part three was with Faraz the Film Director from India. In our upcoming editions we travel to Australia and we will finish our Pride tour in the USA.
RELATED: Pride: From Protest to Celebration
Today’s story is about what Pride means for Darling Peter and his hope for more love and less division within the LGBTQ+ family.
Meaning of Pride
“Pride means for me to be 100% yourself. It’s only a shame that we need a Pride for this because the whole year you should be able to be yourself – to express yourself the way you want, to feel safe and to show your love to whoever you want. Pride events are my favorite parties to attend as a DJ. I just love to see how people are celebrating diversity, freedom, love and themselves. As a DJ and organizer of LGBTQ+ events, it’s always very important for me to organize events where like-minded people come together. I love to see new young (insecure) kids going out and experience a new world, a world where they belong and feel safe. Drag queens and club kids can experiment with looks, with who they want to be. They give so much color to the nightlife and to the LGBTQ+ community. Pride itself is a whole different event. Pride is a movement, a statement, a protest where we are still fighting for equal rights. We are all human after all.”
Pride And Safe-Spaces
“Pride for me is about respect! Respect each other in every way possible, e.g., somebody’s gender, sexual orientation, skin color, religion, age, etc. Pride is not only about a party, but also to educate people who have no clue that there is more than gay men and lesbians. The LGBTQ+ community has many letters, but also in our own community, we should start to respect each other first. For example, let’s stop the whole Gay Shaming; “No Asian, no black, no fat, no femme, etc”, it’s disgusting! Everybody has a different taste (thank God/Beyoncé for that), so don’t use these terms, as you are really hurting people, and you really don’t have to do that. We definitely could be a little nicer to each other and at least try to treat others as you would want them to treat you.”
Pride Playlist – DArling Peter
Darling Peter on Instagram
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PRIDE Stories – Brendan Maclean
The next color of the Pride flag is blue, and we’ll be traveling to Australia to feature one of our favorite pop stars from Down Under, Brendan Maclean.
(Coming soon.)
What does Pride mean to you?
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Photo Credits
Photo – Prisma Compositional
Other Stories
Pride Stories – Fionn Scott , Mr. Leather Ireland
Pride Stories – Asis D’Orange, Gender Blending Fashionista
Pride Stories – Faraz Arif Ansari, Indian Film Director
We’re happy to present some open editorials here to stimulate thought or initiate a conversation. But just because we share something, doesn’t always mean we agree with it; more that we think it’s worth thinking about.