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CARTOON CALLED LIFE is a funny comic strip about a gay bunny and his obsession with bearded guys. The series was created by Slovakian illustrator, Juraj Straka. This little gay bunny has been bringing smiles to his followers on social media for the past 4 years and has over 11k Instagram followers already. That’s a lot of happy homosexuals. We just love his sense of humor and think everyone’s probably felt like the little gay bunny at some point, plus his boyfriend is uber gorgeous. 

Juraj has a dream to one day release a book of bunny adventures with buff bearded boys. He’s teamed up with Laurent, a Belgian business manager and together they’re working to produce CARTOON CALLED LIFE – THE BOOK. You can pre-order a copy of the book to help make this dream come true. Juraj dated a guy that used to call him ‘my little bunny’ and from that pet name a whole collection of hilarious adventures was born. Have a look at our selection and see if the jokes tickle your funny bone too. 

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