Make friends in 14,000+ Groups

Want to find friends with shared hobbies or fetishes? Discuss serious LBGT+ topics? You're not the only one! Join as many Groups as you like, upload pictures, and discuss topics that interest you. Groups are too hot for the App stores and are only available on our website.

Access the Groups Section
Search by your interests
Join as many groups as you like
Join as many groups as you like
Search for members of a group
Search for members within a group
Post and talk about your topics of interest
Post and talk about your topics of interest
Share your photos in the Group Album
Share your photos in the Group Album
Link and promote your favorite groups in your profile
Link and promote your favorite groups in your profile

3 Types of Groups



These are closed groups. Users can only join with admin approval.



Users can join an open group instantly, and everyone can view the content. Great for promoting your business or events to a huge user base.



Never shown in search. They can be joined only by invitation. Perfect for you and your closest friends.

Start your own Group for free!

You can start as many Groups as you like from your ROMEO profile.

Create a group

Our rules to run a Group

  • You can create a Group about any topic that's legal, as well as for commercial purposes
  • You are in charge of the content in your group eg Post & Album section. You're the king of your castle! It's fully up to you who you welcome or exile
  • Don't send too many invitations to non-members, they will report it as spam
  • Your Group appears in the search when you have 3 members and a photo. New Groups with no members will be deleted after 30 days. Groups that have been inactive for over 1 year will be deleted

Tips to grow your group

  • Your group has a place to meet? Fill in your address and add a map
  • Send broadcast messages to your group members
  • Take time and fill in all the profile entry details carefully and completely
  • Upload a profile photo in landscape format, 2:1 ratio is perfect
  • Log in regularly and don't keep membership requests waiting
  • Ask your members to link your group in their profiles
  • Stay friendly and always take good care of your members