Why English?
PlanetRomeo is seen by many as a German company, so we’ve been asked why we choose to communicate in English here so often. I thought I’d explain.
First of all, we love Germans. Many of us are Germans. Our company was founded in Berlin in 2002, and the core of our identity will always come out of the rough and tumble gay life of Deutschland’s vibrant capital city. But a lot has happened to our little company since then.
PlanetRomeo has gone global. We relocated our offices to Amsterdam in 2007, and our staff is made up of people from more than ten different countries. Thus our common workplace language is English.
More importantly, our Romeos are also from every corner of the world. We provide our platform in 25 different languages. English, at 40%, is our most popular one. German is next at 22%, followed by French (10%), Italian (8%), and Spanish (5%). Rounding out the top ten spots are Dutch, Thai, Greek, Turkish, and Polish.
All of which means that no matter how we communicate, someone is going to be left out. We choose English because of its popularity, both as a primary language and a popular second one for many of our guys. We’ll always be German down to our kinky leather lederhosen, but we’re most effective when we communicate in English. We hope that you understand our motivation, even if our words escape you from time to time. 🙂
Spencer – Senior Communications Officer